Part 2: Goal-setting and Manifesting

Aleesha Suleman
2 min readDec 24, 2020


2021 is almost here. After reflecting on 2020, now what?

In my last post, I talked about how you can go about reflecting on this past year. After taking a long, honest look at what this year has been like, the next stage of this process is to start brainstorming and putting down different goals that you want to work on in the different areas of your life.

This can seem kind of overwhelming since you may not know where to even start. Some people might be more organised and already know what their goals are and start listing them in order and by category. If you're like me and your brain is all over the place, it’s perfectly fine! I’ll share my process with you and hopefully, this might help you.

Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

I’ve been trying to work on having better habits and forming routines that I can stick to and are better for me. So, I started asking myself questions like:

  • What does my ideal work/week-day morning look like? What about after work?My evenings?
  • How do I want to spend my weekends?
  • What do I want to work on in these different areas: emotional, spiritual, mental, creativity, physical/health, career?
  • What do I want out of my relationships and what/how to I want to give? Whether it be with family, friends, or others.
  • Do I have a bucket list of things I want to do? Things that will make me happy? Despite the uncertainty of travel plans, as we all have found, there are other ways you can explore your world and try new things — in whatever small way.
Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

Of course, I’m no expert. I’m just sharing what I do or am doing currently. Maybe you have some better questions or techniques or can find other guides online. The important thing is to get thinking, reflecting and writing. All the best!

This was part 2 of my 3-part series. My next one will be about creating your vision board from your goals. Happy Holidays Everyone! Sending lots of love and good vibes your way.

Side note: Maybe you don’t believe in manifestation and the law of attraction. However, my take on this is that setting your goals is about having ambitions and dreams — that’s what this is basically. Having them clearly written out or displayed visually on a vision board just serves as a strong reminder and helps to hold you accountable when you don’t feel strong enough or lose focus (as I tend to).



Aleesha Suleman

Identity, personality and relationships: works-in-progress. Join me in the unearthing of myself through my writing. Karibuni!